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MEDUSA Playing cards by Antonio Cacace & Dylan Mastrominico
HARGA = 280.000

Kartu DAHSYAT (Markingnya ada 7)!!

Medusa Playing Cards is not just a deck, it is a powerful tool for magicians and mentalists. The deck comes in Mnemonica Stack right out of the box, the cards are marked in seven different ways that have been incorporated perfectly into the design in order to be invisible to the spectator's eyes. This is the Holy Grail of magic. 

General features:

Mnemonica Stack right out of the box.
7 different marking systems.
Completely custom.
True linen B9 finish.
Printed by Cartamundi.
2 identical Jokers.
1 double face card.
8 of Spades duplicate.
Gold seal.
When purchasing the Medusa Playing Cards, you will also receive an instruction card with a link and password to see a PDF. This reveals the markings and a video explanation of many possible routines with this deck made by Antonio Cacace.
As we mentioned, the Medusa Playing Cards has seven marking systems that work in Mnemonica Stack, the stack introduced by Juan Tamariz, and the one most popular among magicians. 

Marking systems features:
The deck is marked for value and suit.
Each back also tells you what the previous card was.
If a spectator cuts off a portion of cards, the top card tells you exactly how many cards they are holding.
You can tell how many court cards are in the spectator's pile.
You can tell how many even and odd cards are in the spectator's pile.
You can tell how many red and black cards are in the spectator's pile.
You can also tell the values' addition of the previous cards.
Each card reveals its own position in the stack.
If you are familiar with Mnemonica, this adds a new level. You can also mix the deck and use it as a marked deck (for value and suit of every card). 

The best feature of these marking systems compared to other marked decks is that they use a code that is very easy to read for those who know the secret, but they are unreadable for the spectator.


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Nama Item : MEDUSA
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WA: 085879955069
MEDUSA MEDUSA Reviewed by ART Magicshop on 22.09.00 Rating: 5

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