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BICYCLE MAGIC Playing cards by Prestige Playing cards
HARGA = 250.000

Deck Bagus, setiap kartunya desainnya beda-beda!

Bicycle Magic Playing Cards is an artistic tribute to every impish trick that has astounded audiences for over 5,000 years. 

52 mini canvases playing respect to the acts of magic, under the watchful eye of the spectator. 

Will they be transformed to that bewildered state? 

The theme of the deck is reminiscent of the past, playfully dancing between the delight of magic and the mystery of darkness, death and chance. 

Printed by the United States Playing Card Company, each court card was carefully created with custom art representing some of the marque effects in magic.
Includes 2 gaff cards for your favorite magical effects
Custom art in EVERY aspect of the deck
Printed by USPCC

Format Pemesanan :
Nama Lengkap : ...
No .HP : ...
Alamat : ... (wajib mencantumkan nama kecamatan dan kota)
Jumlah : ...

CP :
WA: 085879955069
BICYCLE MAGIC BICYCLE MAGIC Reviewed by ART Magicshop on 22.45.00 Rating: 5

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