Buat semuanya yang sering belanja di sini. Jika ada yang mengaku-ngaku kami dan melakukan jual beli / order barang dan meminta mentransfer sejumlah uang, harus lebih teliti lagi. Karena kami hanya MENGGUNAKAN rekening BCA atas nama UMAR JAMAALUDDIN. (hal ini kami posting dikarenakan dalam 1 minggu ini marak pembajakan akun, dengan tujuan mencemarkan nama baik seller dan mengambil keuntungan dari pihak lain).


HARGA = 150.000 - 151 VIDEO & PDF

PERTAMA di Indonesia!!
LIMITED (200 pcs di luar negeri) - SANGAT LANGKA!!

Sebuah materi kelas tinggi yang membahas tentang efek-efek Mentalism tingkat profesional, Mentalis pro, dan Mentalis yang berkembang pasti akan mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat setelah mempelajari materi di dalam video ini

This project is limited to 200 copies for worldwide sale.

‘The Bigger Fish Files’

The material in the first two books changed Pete’s life forever and he never anticipated how far he would come and grow as a performer since their release, and yet, here we are…

In Pete’s words – 

Firstly, for anyone that has followed my story and has supported both me and my work, I thank you – You’ve helped me as a performer and a creator.

I rarely brag about my creations but this one is something special.

It would take far too long to list everything on this project, you’ll just have to trust me when I say it will change you as a performer (it’s certainly changed me).

This material is inspired by the Biggerfish books – I’ve revisited those books given the material INSANE twists, updates and created brand new, never before seen material, principles and plots inspired by those books.

What started as me updating the material in those books (for myself) turned into an obsession and that obsession turned into me creating what I consider my best work to date.

If you thought Devil in Disguise 2 was a big project you’ll love this.

I’ve worked hard with Tom Phoenix to create a security system that is so unique to protect the material – that alone I guarantee you will smile at.

I’ve also flown Jacob Smith in from the states to film this project in a way no other project has ever been shot. I’ve directed this project from start to finish and personally been editing this project myself. Fuck, it looks cool

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WA: 085879955069
BIGGER FISH FILES BIGGER FISH FILES Reviewed by ART Magicshop on 21.37.00 Rating: 5

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